On 5 September, the kick-off of the first level 4 specialised chef/Dutch Cuisine educational course of the Koning Willem I College in Den Bosch and ROC Friese Poort in Sneek was held. The gathering took place at Koppert Cress in Monster, and comprised 70 members of the Dutch and Japanese Trade Federation (DUJAT). The students of this new educational course prepared a lunch for them according to the Dutch Cuisine basic principles, under the inspirational leadership of SVH Master Chef Albert Kooy and Jan Smink. In doing so, they heralded the start of a new generation of chefs, and were also instantly well received at an international level. One of the dishes was ‘blote billen in het gras’ (bare bottoms in the grass), a combination of wild beans, string beans and mushrooms.
(photos: Hilde Segond von Banchet, Slow Food Youth Network).